When Parents Don’t Lead By Example

Although children spend a good part of their time in schools, the best example they can have during their upbringing is with their parents and at home. We make some reflections in this regard.
When parents don't lead by example

Since the baby comes out of your womb and can smell you and his father, his education begins, which is based mainly on the relationship with his parents. From his first day of birth, that baby is learning everything he can from mom and dad, who are his main teachers, his role models, his guides, his example.

Being a good example is a task that requires constant effort. The results of managing your emotions well are seen over time. Little by little you learn to practice more appropriate habits to transmit to your children, who will learn from you almost all the fundamental values ​​of their life.

For this reason, it is extremely important that parents are aware that they are the greatest and most important example for their children, and that their children’s behavior is a reflection of the ways of acting and the management and expression of the emotions of their children. fathers. Hence the importance of setting a good example for children.

Ideally, children should grow up in a home where parents practice what they preach, that is, lead by example. So if you want your children to wash their hands before eating, to brush their teeth three times a day, to cross the avenue only when the traffic light is green, they must see their parents do it constantly.

And so it should be with the rest of the learning that you want your children to obtain, especially the deep ones, because, for example, if you want your child to be respectful with you, and in general with people, then you must also be respectful with him and with everybody.

The house is the first example

Since your baby comes home -and especially the first years of life- parents are an absolute reference for children, that is why mom and dad are their main role model and the greatest proof of this is that children do and say the things they see of their mom and dad.

And oddly enough, sometimes many parents are surprised when they see their children hitting or yelling at other children or themselves, but the truth is that they do these kinds of things because they see them in their homes. It’s hard to watch, but a child learns to yell because they yell at him.

Certainly no mom or dad wants to set a bad example for their child, nor does they want to be the cause of their bad behaviors, what happens is that many times we act unconsciously and also forget that children are like sponges and learn from everything That includes good things and some not so much.

What to do to set a good example

Well, to set a good example it is necessary that we act correctly, or at least consistently, all the time. In theory it sounds simple, but practice reminds us that we are human, that we have defects and therefore we must also relearn and strive to be a good example for our children or at least the best we can.

So, for example, if you don’t want your child to scream, then avoid screaming. The point is that many adults succumb to moments of tension or stress. And that is why, when they are subjected to this type of situation, they react by shouting in front of their children. However, that is not the best example of how to handle stress or tension that you can offer your child. There are definitely better ways to solve problems and connect with others.

Here are some tips, taken from a text that you can follow to be able to set a better example for your children every day:

  • If you want your child to be a good reader, then it is good that you read with him and that he watches you read.
  • If you would like him to be a teenager who makes his own decisions, then make him part of the decisions of the house, of the family, integrate him and that his voice is also heard and has a vote.
  • If you don’t want him to hit you or other children, then don’t use violence against him. And if you don’t want him to insult you or others, then don’t insult him. On the other hand, if you want him to trust you in all situations, you must also trust him.

At this point it is also important that you do not educate your child by instilling fear and threatening him. Enjoy life with him so that he can learn from your example to enjoy it. Do not lie to him, under any circumstances, if you want him to be a sincere person.

And above all, under no circumstances do you teach blind obedience unless you want your child to become a puppet of others. You must also instill in him that he must fight for what he wants and that to achieve his goals he does not need the approval of anyone, to achieve this avoid educating him with prizes, because in life rewards are earned with real effort.

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