Why Are Sausages Dangerous For Children?

Fast food, as a general rule, does not have a high nutritional density. In addition, it concentrates additives inside that could be harmful to health. Sausages are included in this type of food.
Why are sausages dangerous for children?

Sausages are foods that are often part of the children’s diet. However, experts advise against its consumption. They are made from very low quality ingredients, which could affect the health of the little ones in the medium term. You could say that sausages are dangerous for children.

It should be noted that one of the priorities in terms of public health is the reduction of the presence of ultra-processed substances in the diet. Sausages are within this group. Instead, it is preferable to include fresh foods such as meat, fish, eggs, vegetables …

What do the sausages contain?

In general, sausages are made from low-quality meat scraps, potato starch and additives, among which preservatives stand out. Many of them, like nitrites, have been associated with an increased risk of developing some types of cancer. This is evidenced by a study published in the Medical Science Monitor .

Child eating eggs with sausages.

It should be noted that science has not been able to show that the consumption of red meat is harmful to the body. However, its processing and the use of chemical substances may be related to a higher incidence of certain complex pathologies. For this reason its presence in the diet has to be reduced.

Sausages are dangerous for children

As stated by research published in the International Journal of Cancer , the regular consumption of processed red meat generates an increased risk of cancer, especially of the colon and breast. This is also due to the fact that very low quality remains of the animal are used, usually waste.

However, the use of spices improves the flavor of the sausages in their final form, which generates a good acceptance by children. This is dangerous, because they can get used to their consumption and demand them frequently, when they are not quality products.

It is essential to carry out nutrition education work during the first stages of life, since the habits acquired here will be maintained in later moments. In this sense, it is prudent to emphasize the intake of fresh meats under less aggressive cooking methods, such as the grill or the oven.

Other healthier fast foods

Although sausages are not a good option for the diet (neither for children), there are other meat-based preparations that can be healthier. For example, homemade hamburgers are safe. It is important to ask the butcher to chop up a good quality lean chunk. Once at home, the hamburger is prepared with spices and without chemicals.

In this way, the process of making the element is controlled from beginning to end, thus ensuring its health. This product is also well accepted by children and the risk in hot dogs is eliminated.

Keep in mind that taking the fast track in the kitchen does not usually produce good results. It is preferable to spend a little more time in the elaborations and obtain final foods of good quality, without additives that can be dangerous to health.

Child eating sausages are to know that they are dangerous.

However, it must also be made clear that the association between processed meats and cancer risk does not extend to meat in general. That which is bought fresh and consumed, regardless of whether it is red or white, is considered beneficial.

It is important to prevent children from consuming hot dogs

The presence of sausages in the diet of children is not beneficial at all. It is a type of very low quality food, made with remains and waste. They do not have a high nutritional density and contain substances that could be harmful to health in the medium term, so we can say that sausages are dangerous for children.

It is important to accustom the little ones to eating quality fresh food. The less sausages and processed meat derivatives are included in the diet, the better. In the case of making a similar preparation, such as hamburgers, it is recommended that the entire process be carried out at home, controlling the ingredients that are used.

Keep in mind that the habits that are implemented during the first stages of life condition health in the future. It is key to pay attention to them.

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