Why Do Children’s Lips Dry?

Children’s lips tend to dry out due to causes related to the environment or the infant’s own habits. However, there are causes that can be more complicated health problems.
Why do children's lips get dry?

While dry mouth in children is a common manifestation. The reasons why children’s lips dry can be varied. Some children can even develop a more serious variant called cheilitis. In most cases, the treatment is usually simple and is maintained with preventive measures.

Why are lips dry in children?

One of the great characteristics of the lips is the absence of sebaceous glands, unlike other parts of the skin. This makes them more vulnerable to drying out and, consequently, cracking.

Low temperatures

Those environments in which there is a lack of humidity tend to worsen the pictures. Likewise, the period during the winter months is when this type of manifestation is most observed. Cold and wind are two of the detrimental factors for this condition to be triggered. The recommended thing is the choice of humidifiers in the rooms.

By licking your lips frequently

A fairly common habit that children have is licking or biting their lips. This generates different perioral dermatitis and even dry lips because saliva removes the moisture from the mucosa.

Child with chapped and dry lips.

There is a myth that considers that, by constantly moisturizing the lips with saliva, they are hydrated. Rather, it further dehydrates them by the effect of an enzyme called lysozyme.

Ultraviolet rays, one of the reasons for dry lips in children

While it is true that ultraviolet rays damage the skin, not many people take into account what they produce on the lips. In addition to causing dryness, sun exposure can cause carcinomas on the lips.

In fact, a study by The Journal of the American Academy of otolaryngology concludes that it accounts for about a quarter of oral cavity cancers.

Certain medications

Taking certain medications can increase the chances of dry lips. Some of them can cause this manifestation as a side effect. The best known are the following:

  • Lithium.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Retinoids
  • Chemotherapy drugs.


Dehydration is another possible cause of dry lips, along with malnutrition. In dehydration pictures it is usually accompanied by dry eyes and mouth. In addition, there are different degrees of dehydration, in which they significantly affect the health of children.

With adequate daily intake of water, one can try to prevent this condition. The use of a lip balm can be added to keep the lips moisturized.

Allergic reaction

Atopic dermatitis is an allergic pathology that generates a predisposition to present dry lips or develop cheilitis. However, there are other allergic reactions to non-hypoallergenic cosmetics or ingested foods that are expressed in this way, along with inflammation, irritation and cracks.

The allergic reaction can also be due to something around or within the child’s reach, such as a toy.

Breathing through the mouth, one of the main causes of dry lips in children

Many children have a habit of breathing through their mouths. Consequently, they tend to suffer from dryness in the oral cavity and, consequently, on the lips.

It is advisable to go to a medical consultation because the causes of this type of breathing can be triggered by the following reasons:

  • Nasal septum deviation.
  • Hypertrophic tonsils.
  • Respiratory infections.
  • Muscle hypotonia.

Excess or lack of vitamins

As mentioned before, malnutrition is one of the causes of dry lips. In fact, vitamin B2 deficiency interferes with fatty acid metabolism and causes an alteration in serum amino acid levels.

On physical examination, when the lips are swollen and slightly dry, it may be a sign of a deficiency of this vitamin. When lips are dry, it can also be a sign of high vitamin A levels. This may be due to dietary supplements or certain medicines based on this vitamin.

Little girl with dry lips.

Underlying diseases

There are multiple pathologies that present dry lips within their signs and symptoms. Some of them are the following:

  • Diabetes.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Intestinal pathologies.
  • Thyroid dysfunctions.

According to a study by Quintessence International , only one manifestation of the skin, such as dry lips, can be a skin disease.

To take into account when lips dry in children

It is advisable to maintain a balanced and varied diet in children, with adequate consumption of water per day. In turn, use sunscreen for the lips in the summer, thus avoiding dryness and injuries in the future.

Another important recommendation is to create the habit in children of using lip balms that contain cocoa butter, shea butter or petroleum jelly. In this way, the lip mucosa will always be moisturized and protected.

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