Wonderful Teachings That “The Little Prince” Offers Our Children

Wonderful teachings that the "The Little Prince" offers to our children

“The Little Prince” contains in each of its pages a wonderful legacy about human relationships, about love and life that stands as a gift of wisdom to offer our children. This book, which for many is a treasure of childhood itself, that hour something that we want to transmit to the little ones.

We are sure that as a mother, as a father and even as a grandfather or teacher, one of your essential purposes is to get children to enter the pleasure of reading early. However, there is something that we must be clear about. You don’t get to a book out of obligation, but freely, out of curiosity and sometimes even on your own initiative.

For our part, we recommend something very simple: that your children see you read. It doesn’t matter that your child is still a baby. Nothing is as comforting as letting them grow in our laps while they watch us turn the pages of a book. And if that book is “The Little Prince” we will awaken their interest, curiosity, visual stimulation and above all, the whisper of your voice when reading.

Day by day they will delve into the meaning of your words, later in the message and in a short time, they will navigate in that unique and exceptional world where they will assume wonderful values ​​and teachings that will hold tightly in their minds. Allow them to grow in the pleasure of reading, let “The Little Prince” be their first book, the one to discover by your side, in freedom and in complicity with you.

Teachings that “The Little Prince” offers to the little ones

Friendship is a gift

This phrase summarizes in very few words something that children must assume very early on: friendship is a value to attend to, to cultivate and to care for every day . Each friend is unique, magical and exceptional, a person with their own nuances, characteristics and greatness that they can appreciate and enjoy every day.

It should be remembered, however, that up to the age of 5-6 a child bases his friendship on the exchange of positive reinforcements, on sharing time performing a specific task such as playing, painting, drawing … It is not until the age of 7 that he takes the step towards that full recognition of the other, there where the first bonds are created, those that are never forgotten and that already define the social development of the little ones.

The most important thing is invisible to the eyes: it is only seen with the heart

There are families that almost unwantedly make a mistake in the education of their children. They initiate them very early in the value of the material, in the need to have things, to collect, to discard objects to get new ones. .. Something as common as motivating a child to pass his exams in exchange for a mobile or a cycling is certainly a serious mistake.

We must initiate children early in the value of the invisible, in the awareness that affection, affection, consideration, respect or dedicating time to the people we love, is undoubtedly the most valuable.

Let us therefore ensure that children see life from the heart and not from the number of toys or technology they have in their room.

The importance of knowing yourself

It is quite possible that the idea of ​​getting a child to know himself sounds little more than an irony to us. Children are people in development, growth and continuous discoveries, those who day by day will shape their identity and personality. How do you get them to know themselves if they are still in constant flux?

Now, there is something that we must be clear about , self-knowledge also resides in self-control, in emotional management, in the identification of one’s own emotions and in that focus of thought where we strive every day to be a better person. All these points are tools that we must provide our children, wherever avoid, for example, the tendency to criticize others without first looking humbly towards oneself.

If you walk in a straight line you won’t get much

The little Prince

If there is something that our children will appreciate that we teach them very early, it is that making mistakes is good, it is normal and a way of learning that we all go through every day.

In “You are Mom” we tell you very often “to educate in perfection is not recommended, it allows children to stumble, let them make mistakes, allow them to always be themselves with their nuances, their defects and their greatness”.

In “The Little Prince” this teaching is very clear, there where we are taught that life is not much less a path in a straight line, but a valley full of paths and crossroads, of hollows and wonderful peaks where we can rise behind having dodged every stone and every pothole.

Do not hesitate to bring this treasure of literature to your children early on. The mature, free and happy person who could be tomorrow will be eternally grateful to you.

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